Tugas Chapter 3 lanjutan serta 1.C

Intan Husniah/ 18018063 Step 2 : find KD 4 Grade 7, KD 3.1 : Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada ungkapan sapaan, pamitan, ucapan terimakasih, dan permintaan maaf, serta responnya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya . Topic : Apologizing people Instruction : In this unit you will learn about how to apologizing people. Exercise 1.a Instructions: Y ou will listen to talk about some conversations of apologizing people. Imagine that you are apologizing people. As you listen to the conversation, try to see in your mind how to paying particular attention to when people say sorry and to what they say to express sorry and also notice to what the person being apologized says in reply. Situation: Nolan , K en and R odrigo are in a room. Ken and Rodrigo are watching. and Nolan is learning . Adapted from interchange fitth edition Apolog...