Step 2 : c. exe 3 . push the students to develop critical and creative thinking skills in the target language and to gain awareness from a focused study of the text by finding out the linguistics aspects of the text (this is also called input respond activity). Grade 7, KD 3.1 : Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada ungkapan sapaan, pamitan, ucapan terimakasih, dan permintaan maaf, serta responnya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. Topic : Apologizing people Instruction : In this unit you will learn about how to apologizing people. Exercise 2.b Instruction: A. You will think more deeply about the conversation you have listened before, then discover the speaker’s intention in saying it. Deep Questions 1. Why do we need to apologize to someone ? Your answer : 2. Why do we need to respond someone’s apologize? Your answer : 3. In your opinion, is is important to learn about how to...