Kindergarden Efyl - Listening

Name : IntanHusniah

Nim : 18018063

Lesson Plan Listening 




Students are able to understand to the command (take the apple, touch the banana and take an orange)


Language (Vocabulary)

Fruits (Apple, banana, and orange)


Teaching Reading- Kindergarten






Warm - up

Sing a song


By are you sleeping song


Morning  teacher

Morning  my friend  

how are you how are you 2x

lets going study with me 2x

where’s my book…??? 2x


Morning  teacher

Morning  my friend  

how are you how are you 2x

lets going study with me 2x

where’s my book…??? 2x





T: Good morning students

Ss: good morning ma’am

T: how are you? Fine?

Ss: Fine

T: Alright, now Students sit in a circle let’s sing the song good morning with me, stand up, please.


Introduce new material


T : Now student look at this picture

This is . an apple . okey follow me

 Apple… apple . (show the card)


Student : apple


and this is a banana . follow me

banana… banana


Student : banana .


and this is an orange

follow me

orange …. Orange


Student : orange…


Crafting (practice 1 )

Coloring this picture




Teacher : Now, Ihave a paper for you to color 

Student     : ok mam

Teacher   : You can use any colour that you like. I have  yellow (showing the yellow flashcard) and green (showing the green flashcard)

Student     : ok mam

Teacher   : OK then, you may start

Teacher    : (silence and start colouring)

Teacher   : If you already finished, you can give it to me and I will give you a star




Everyone finished their work

Teacher   : good job student , I will give a star for each of you

Teacher    : Thank you mam

Student   : You’re welcome


Song (practice 2 )


Laguuuuuuu tentang buahh


 Na naa na naa naa

apple , apple, red apple

I have one the red apple

Orange…orange…orange fruit…

I like it and I want it.


I like it and I want it.



T : now lets sing together .. everybody please stand up .. 1 ..2 …3



apple , apple, red apple

I have one the red apple

Orange…orange…orange fruit…

I like it and I want it.


I like it and I want it.



T : okey good student …

Sit down please..



(practice 3 )

Throwing the ball into the basket

Name of the game : Throwing the fruits!

Material and equipment: an apple, an orange, a banana, and a bowl.


1. The students will come in front of the class. 2. The teacher asks students to throw the one of the fruit and put it on the basket .


 Teacher : Now, let's play a game. That is throwing the ball into the basket. Okay Everyone stands make 2 lines . 1 row there are 7 people.


Student : Ok ma'am


teacher: okay student. in front of you there is a basket and your task is to put the ball into the basket alternately as many times as possible in 1 minute. do you understand students?

  student : yes ma'am


Teacher : Okay let's start the game. one ... two ... three .. start ... let's throw as many as possible.



Teacher : Good, good job all of you. Okay now sit down.


Story telling


The story:


Fruit Salad

i love fruit . I want fruit salad. I put apple in the bowl. Apple is very sweet. I put banana in the bowl. Banana has yellow colour.. I put orange in the bowl. Orange is my favorite fruit. I like fruit salad, mmm… yummy.


Teacher  : So now, who wants to listen a story?


Student    : Me mam, me


Teacher  : OK now make a big circle, hold your friends hand. And sit down. Can you all see me? OK great. I will start reading the story.


The story:


Fruit Salad

i love fruit . I want fruit salad. I put apple in the bowl. Apple is very sweet. I put banana in the bowl. Banana has yellow colour.. I put orange in the bowl. Orange is my favorite fruit. I like fruit salad, mmm… yummy.


Teacher  : How was the story? Do you like it?

Student    : Yeayyy


 Cool down

By are you sleeping song

Thank you teacher

Thank you my friend

Lets go home 2x

get the bag and get ready 2x

Say good bye 2x


 Teacher   : I think this is the end of our class today. Let’s sing our song first before we go home. OK stand up everyone. Are you ready?

Student    : Yes mam

Teacher   : OK. 1, 2, 3

 Thank you teacher

Thank you my friend

Lets go home 2x

get the bag and get ready 2x

Say good bye 2x

Teacher   : OK good job everyone for today. Now you can pack your thing and go home

Student    : Yeayy

Teacher   : Good bye everyone, see you tomorrow


Student    : See you mam






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