Kindergarden Efyl - Reading






 out the noun words: fruit (apple, banana, orange)


Vocabulary: fruit (apple, banana, orange)


60 minutes


Teaching Procedures

1. Warm – up

Material s



Sing a song


By are you sleeping song


Morning  teacher

Morning  my friend  

how are you how are you 2x

lets going study with me 2x

where’s my book…??? 2x


Morning  teacher

Morning  my friend  

how are you how are you 2x

lets going study with me 2x

where’s my book…??? 2x



T: Good morning students

Ss: good morning ma’am

T: how are you? Fine?

Ss: Fine

T: Alright, now Students sit in a circle let’s sing the song good morning with me, stand up, please.

2. Introduction new material











The teacher introduces the vocabularies (apple, orange, banana) by showing the picture card to the students and students shout out the words together. Then, introduces them the intial word of apple, orange, and banana.

T: look at this picture (Gambar dengan tulisan)

This is an apple, this is an apple

This is an orange, this is an orange

This is a banana, this is a banana

Students, now look at the white board.


(Write a-p-p-l-e on the white board)

The letter /a/ stands for ei in the apple

alright everybody, say ei.. ei..

S : ei.. ei..

T: repeat after me, ei ei eipel

S: ei ei eipel.

Tulis lagi apple sambil di baca, ei-ei pi-peh el-el i-no sounds. Underline the word. eipel,

ei, ei lingkari.. langsung eipel.



(Write o-r-a-n-g-e on the white board)

The letter /o/ stands for ou in the orange

alright everybody, say ou.. ou..

S : ou.. ou..

T: repeat after me, ou..ou.. oureinz

S: ou..ou.. orenz

Tulis lagi orange sambil di baca, ou-ou ar-rr ei-e ng-nz i-no sounds Underline the word. ourenz,

ou, ou lingkari.. langsung ourenz.



(Write b-a-n-a-n-a on the white board)

The letter /b/ stands for beh in the banana

alright everybody, say beh.. beh..

S : beh.. beh..

T: repeat after me, beh..beh.. benana

S: beh..beh.. benana

Tulis lagi orange sambil di baca, bi-beh ei-e en-en ei-a en-en ei-a

 Underline the word. benana

Beh beh lingkari.. langsung benana.



2. Shared reading by using the storybook.

Title: Jenny’s Family Breakfast

Author: Puja


Jenny’s family have a breakfast every morning.

Jenny and her brother really like eating the apples.

Their mother likes eating the oranges.

Their father likes eating the bananas.

The fruits make them happy and healthy.

Teacher will read the story in front of the class and create the comprehension activities.

T: well students, now listen me carefully, I will tell you about jenny. Are you ready for listening my story about jenny?

S: ready

T: Now, be quiet and look at your book and listen to me.

(reading the story)

Page 1. (teacher reading)

Jenny’s family breakfast.

Students, look at this. This is jenny’s family sitting around the table. Look at the table, students. there is a drink, food, plate and glass. So, they will eating together.


Page 2.

Jenny’s family have a breakfast every morning.

  Look, there are 4 people in jenny’s family. There is jenny’s father, her mother, and look.. the little one is her brother. Everyone is smile when going to have a breakfast.


Page 3.

Jenny and her brother really like eating the apples.

Look students, who is she? Jenny.. and he is her brother. When breakfast, jenny and him like eating the apple so much. You see here, there are red apples here. Let’s counting, one two three. Good students, so there are three apples on the plate.


Page 4.

Their mother likes eating the oranges.

Look students, here is her mother. When breakfast, she likes eating the oranges. You see here, there are fresh oranges here. Let’s counting, one two. Good students, so her mother eats two oranges when breakfast.


Page 5.

 Their father likes eating the bananas.

Look, her father very love the banana.

Let’s counting, one two three. Good students, so her father very love eating 3 bananas when breakfast.


Page 6.

The fruits make them happy and healthy.

Look students, they are all happy, smile, and look healthy after eating fruits in their breakfast, you see that?

You know who is she? Jenny, then her father, her mother, and her brother.


Good students..

Ok now, let’s reading together.(reading slowly)

Very good... now look at this, who is she?(point jenny)

S: jenny

T: and what is this? (point the apple in the book)

S: apple

T: good, repeat after me.. Ei ei eipel

S: Ei ei eipel

T: good, and what is this? (point the orange in the book)

S: Orange

T: very good, Repeat after me.. Ou ou ourenz

S: Ou ou ourenz

T: and what is this? (point the banana in the book)

S: banana

T: very good students. repeat after me Beh beh benana

S: Beh beh banana

Okey, good job everyone.


3. Practice New Material

1. Song




Title: Yummy

Author: Puja

Rhyme: adapted from Nursery Rhyme Youtube Channel.


Apple, Apple, Apple yummy

Orange, orange, orange yummy

Banana, banana, banana yummy

I want, i want, i want to eat them

Teacher will sing a song. The students will learn the vocabulary from the song.


T: very good students. now students, let’s sing with me.

S: okey

T: oke, listen to me.


T: now, follow me, right? (singing slowly)

S: singing


T: OK, now repeat after me!

Apple, Apple, Apple yummy

S: Apple, Apple, Apple yummy


T: Orange, orange, orange yummy

S: Orange, orange, orange yummy


T: Banana, banana, banana yummy

S: Banana, banana, banana yummy


T: I want, i want, i want to eat them

S: I want, i want, i want to eat them

T: very nice students, now let’s sing together. 1, 2, 3 (singing)

Oke students, repeat after me..

Ei ei eipel

Ou ou ourenz

Beh beh banana

Very good everyone.


2. Coloring



The picture without a color.


Teacher will share the pictures that have no color to students and they do a coloring activity.

T: students.. look at this, I have a picture, but my picture does not have a color. Now coloring this picture, right. Are you ready?

S: ready, miss

T: ok, prepare your crayon.

Fina, where are your crayons?

 Oh that’s it.

Oke everyone, if you finish coloring this, show it to me!  (wave a paper which want to be colored)

Really nice students. so, what is this? (showing the paper with apple that has been colored)

S: apple

T: good, repeat after me.. Ei ei eipel

S: Ei ei eipel


T: What is this?( showing the paper with orange that has been colored)

S: orange

T: very good, Repeat after me.. Ou ou ourenz

S: Ou ou ourenz


T : What is this?( showing the paper with banana that has been colored)

S: banana

T: very good students. repeat after me Beh beh benana

S: Beh beh banana


T: very good students.



3. Game.



Name of the game : Lego

Material and equipment: lego


1. prepare the lego with the alphabet letter on it in the box

2. ask the students to stand up.

3. teacher gives an example of the shape of the lego that they want to build.

4. teacher guide the students to pick one by one of the letter, then arrange it.

- show the lego that have an A letter on it,

- ask students to find it in the boxes that have similar letter.

-after that, ask them again to find the lego that has a letter of P in the boxes

- arrange the lego of P under the lego of A.

- then, ask them again to find the lego that has letter of P again.

- after that, arrange it under the lego of A & P. (so, now we have A-P-P)

- then, ask them again to find out the lego that has letter of L in the box.

- after that, arrange it under the lego of P. (now we have the lego with the letter A-P-P-L)

- then, ask them again to find out the lego that has the letter of E.

- after that, arrange it under the letter of L (now we have the lego with the letter of A-P-P-L-E).

5. after finish, students show the finishing shape of their lego.

6. and so on for the orange and banana. 




The student will play a lego with the teacher direct them arranging it.

T: students.. who likes play a lego? Ooh all of you like playing a lego, right? Ok now, let’s playing with build something from a lego. Are you ready?

S: ready

T: ok, now please stand up and make a circle please. Now first, look at me. I have a lego that has a letter of a-p-p-l-e. then, there are many lego on the box with the same letter like this.

Ok now, find the letter of A-ei in the box. Like this. A-ei. Have you found it?

S: yes

T: good, now find the letter of P. P. like this. Have you found it?

S: yes

T: good, now put P under the A. like this. Ok now, find the letter of P again. P. like this. Have you found it?

S: yes

T: very good, now put it under the P. like this (under the first lego a and p, so now a-p-p). right, find the letter of L. have you found it?

S: yes

T: good, arrange it under the letter of P (under the letter of a-p-p, so now a-p-p-l). right, the last, find the letter of E. E. like this. Have you found it?

S: yes

T: very good, now put it under the L. like this. (under the lego of a-p-p-l, so now a-p-p-l-e). very good students. now show me your building. Ok, good, nice building. Now repeat after me, ei

S: ei

T: ei ei eipel

S: ei ei eipel

T: good. Now we will build an orange words. Find the letter of O. o like this. Do you find it?

S: yes

T: good, now find the letter of R. R. like this. Have you found it?

S: yes

T: good, now put R under the O. like this. CAN YOU? Ok now, find the letter of A. A. like this. Have you found it?

S: yes

T: very good, now put it under the R. like this (under the first lego O and R, so now O-R-A). right, find the letter of N. N. like this. have you found it?

S: yes

T: good, arrange it under the letter of A (under the letter of o-r-a, so now o-r-a-n). right, find the letter of G. G. like this. Have you found it?

S: yes

T: very good, now put it under the N. like this. (under the lego of o-r-a-n, so now o=r-a-n-g). very good students. the last, find the letter of E. E. like this. Find it?

S: yes

T: good. now put it under the G. like this. (under the lego of o-r-a-n-g, so now o-r-a-n-g-e). very good. now show me your building. Ok, good, nice building Novi. Now, everyone repeat after me, ou

S: ou

T: ou ourenz

S: ou ourenz.

T: good. Now we will build a banana words. Find the letter of B. B. like this. Do you find it?

S: yes

T: good, now find the letter of A. A. like this. Have you found it?

S: yes

T: good, now put A under the B. like this. CAN YOU? Ok now, find the letter of N. N. like this. Have you found it?

S: yes

T: very good, now put it under the A. like this (under the first lego B and A, so now B-A-N). right, find the letter of A again. A. like this. have you found it?

S: yes

T: good, arrange it under the letter of N (under the letter of b-a-n, so now b-a-n-a). right, find the letter of  N again. N. like this. Have you found it?

S: yes

T: very good, now put it under the A. like this. (under the lego of b-a-n-a, so now b-a-n-a-n). very good students. the last, find the letter of A again. A. like this. Find it?

S: yes

T: good. now put it under the A. like this. (under the lego of b-a-n-a-n, so now b-a-n-a-n-a). very good. now show me your building. Ok, good, nice building Novi. Now, everyone repeat after me, beh

S: beh

T: beh beh benana

S: beh beh banana.



4. Wrap Up





By are you sleeping song

Thank you teacher

Thank you my friend

Lets go home 2x

get the bag and get ready 2x

Say good bye 2x

Teacher   : I think this is the end of our class today. Let’s sing our song first before we go home. OK stand up everyone. Are you ready?

Student    : Yes mam

Teacher   : OK. 1, 2, 3

 Thank you teacher

Thank you my friend

Lets go home 2x

get the bag and get ready 2x

Say good bye 2x

Teacher   : OK good job everyone for today. Now you can pack your thing and go home

Student    : Yeayy

Teacher   : Good bye everyone, see you tomorrow


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